Ask Morgan: Wearing Baby After A C-Section
April 29th, 2022
Perhaps your birth plan didn’t go as planned and you ended up with an emergency C-section. Or perhaps your birth plan did go as planned, and your scheduled C-section went smoothly and successfully. Either way, your plan to wear your baby in your Solly Wrap postpartum need not be derailed. The Solly Wrap...
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Ask Morgan: What you need to know about wearing baby forward-facing
March 28th, 2022
For our next installment of Ask Morgan (that’s me! Solly Baby’s on-staff babywearing educator), we’re tackling the topic of wearing baby forward-facing.
Wearing baby facing out or “world-facing” can be a controversial topic, and doing your own research can be discouraging when there’s so much old + ou...
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Ask Morgan: The Secret to Keeping Your Wrap Tight
March 3th, 2022
Hi! I'm Morgan, Solly Baby's on-staff babywearing educator. Today we're kicking off a new blog series called Ask Morgan, where you can do just that. So, feel free to send any babywearing q's my way (email, DM @sollybabyadvice, or comment below!). It's all but guaranteed you're not the...
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Combating the Black Maternal Health Crisis with Birth Queen
May 18th, 2021
If you’ve read the staggering statistics, you know there’s a Black maternal health crisis in our country.
These statistics barely scratch the surface of the disparities, but they’re more than enough to indicate there’s work to be done—and Rachel Nicks is getting to work. The New-York-based doula, lact...
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