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Elegant “ConCept” Restaurant Decor


One of the fresh and (relatively) new places in Sofia shows conscious approach to context in the interior and lightning. Located in a lovely central street the Concept Restaurant actually fits right in the old administration building it’s situated. As an architectural monument the building itself has national importance, so the new restaurant in the parter had to preserve that feeling: being part of Bulgaria’s history. Still there’s something new to be shown.





Warmth and luxury are the first words that come to mind while entering the relaxed atmosphere of the place. Brick walls are modern these days, but here they stand for a rich texture and show the spirit of the old building. The mild oak colours and the careful lightning show the designer’s love to detail. Somehow the western private-in-public-feeling appears. Not very typical for eastern Europe. As if those two parts of the world come together in boutique manner. Chilling in the comfortable tables themed for private or business meetings, with good and affordable food for the body and for the imagination, one can easily find why this one stands out from the rest. seen at retaildesignblog.net


